Department of Catholic Schools - Detroit Catholic Schools Department of Catholic Schools

Department of Catholic Schools

Under the leadership of Archbishop Allen Vigneron, the Department of Catholic Schools provides vision, direction, and supervision to Catholic school communities in order to assist them in the achievement of their mission to proclaim Christ, promote student academic achievement, and form joyful missionary disciples.

In the spirit of servant leadership, the Department is leading the efforts to implement the new archdiocesan vision for Catholic education called Unleashing Our Catholic Schools. The initiatives contained within the vision ensure that our Catholic schools remain proudly Catholic, academically excellent, accessible to all and sustainable for the future. Our goal is to have our Catholic schools be among the finest in the country.

Teach at a Detroit Catholic School


Department of Catholic Schools
12 State Street
Detroit, MI 48226-1823
ph. 313-237-4661


Eric Haley

Superintendent of Schools

Dan Faas

Associate Superintendent | Central Region

Kimberly Vigneron

Associate Superintendent | Northeast Region

John Brahier

Associate Superintendent | Catholic Culture

Pamela Scales

Associate Superintendent | School Finance and Federal Programs

May Bluestein, Ph.D.

Assistant Superintendent | Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Vic Michaels, C.A.A.

Assistant Superintendent | Student Services and Athletics

Michael Evoy

Coordinator | Student Services and Athletics

Stephanie Caruso

Coordinator | Student Services and Athletics

Erin McNally

Executive Administrative Assistant

Catholic Schools Council

The Catholic Schools Council was established by the Archbishop of Detroit to assist both him and the Superintendent with wise counsel in the apostolate of Catholic education.

Specifically, the Council provides valuable advice and consultation to the Archbishop and the Superintendent that’s consistent with Synod 16, the post synodal letter Unleash the Gospel, and the strategic vision Unleashing Our Catholic Schools. As confirmed by the Holy Spirit in Synod 16, Catholic schools and students are the responsibility of everyone: all bishops, priests, parishes, educators, parents, and the lay faithful. This conviction is a foundational guiding principle in the Council’s efforts to support the work of the Department of Catholic Schools to renew this vital ministry.


The Most Reverend Edward Weisenburger

Archbishop of Detroit

The Most Reverend Robert Fisher

Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit

The Very Reverend Jeffrey Day

Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia

Eric Haley

Superintendent of Schools

Ben Pogodzinski, Ph.D.

Council Chair

Associate Professor, Wayne State University College of Education

Denise Bertin-Epp RN, BScN, MSA

Member of St. Joseph Parish, Lake Orion

Michael J. Fontana

Member of St. Isidore Parish, Macomb

Mary Henige

Founder and Chief Consultant, Magnetica Communications LLC

Salvatore LoRe, Jr.

Associate at Auger Klein Aller Architects

Mark McInerney, J.D.

Council Secretary

Attorney, Clark Hill PLC

John Moore, Ph.D.

Finance and Economics Department Chair and Professor, Walsh College

Reverend Adam Nowak

Priest in Solidum, St. Anne Parish and Catholic School

Dan Weingartz

Chief Executive Officer of W & P Management